Sunday, December 29, 2019

Feminism Is One Of The Most Important Social Themes

As much as I enjoy musicals, most songs are about men, either women singing about men and how they desire a man or haw men have done them wrong, or men singing them. Where are, the songs belted out by the ladies for the ladies? That’s where feminism comes into play. Feminism is one of the most important social themes. Feminism is a range of social movements, and political movements that share a common goal, to achieve, establish, and define personal, economic, political, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in employment and education. Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women’s rights. They fight for women’s right to vote, hold public office, earn fair wages, work, equal pay, receive education, own property and more. Five musical plays that speak on the topic of feminism is Wicked, The Color Purple, Funny Girl Yentl and Mary Poppins. Wicked is an alternative telling of The wizar d of the Oz told from the perspective of the witches of the Land of Oz. The Color Purple focus on the life of African American women, addressing numerous issues, including their lower positions in American social culture. Funny Girl is based on the life and career of Broadway Star, film actress and Comedian Fanny Brice. Yentl is based on Yentl, a young girl who lives secretly as a man. And last but not least Mary Poppins is about a magical nanny that helps bring two children that she’s in charge of closer to theirShow MoreRelatedWhat Would Jesus Do1227 Words   |  5 Pagesto the social justice issue of immigration? Would he give immigrants a fair and unbiased opportunity in a new country, or would he turn his back towards these hopeful people? The Catholic Church teaches us that Jesus would support immigrants, live by the Catholic Social Justice Themes and the Christian Feminist model of Justice, and give these people a fighting chance in a new country. These ideologies rep resent hope, a more promising future for immigration, and a change in how we see one anotherRead MoreHow Popular Fiction Reflects Debates About Gender and Sexuality: Feminism1278 Words   |  6 Pagessuch things as social changes in our society and topical debates. In this paper I will discuss to what extent popular fiction reflects debates about gender and sexuality. Moreover, I will look at the difference between postfeminism and third-wave feminism, afterwards I will more closely look at Candace Bushnells book Sex and the City (1996) and relate the books ideas about woman and womans sexuality to postfeminism and third-wave feminism ideas. I will also look at cyber-feminism in relation toRead MoreFeminism : Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality897 Words   |  4 PagesIn the play Trifles, feminism is portrayed by the female characters in the book as well as the male characters. Feminism is defined as: the advocacy of women s rights on the grou nds of political, social, and economic equality to men (â€Å"Feminism†). The female characters are represented in a way that highlights the best characteristics of females, which in turn gives the reader or viewer a strong sense of feminism. The male characters in the book such as: the police officers and the husband show malesRead MoreFeminism : A Feminist Perspective1667 Words   |  7 PagesModern Feminism Before we begin, I want you to create a picture in your head. You read that there is going to be a feminist rally in your local city this afternoon. What does your mind picture? Lots of pink I’m sure. Who is there? Why, a bunch of women, of course! And what could they possibly want this time? I’ll let you keep that one to yourself. We all know that in today’s world, feminism is often seen as a joke. Just a bunch of white women prancing around with signs expressing their angst forRead MoreThe Help : A Timeless Timepiece1473 Words   |  6 Pages The Help: a Timeless Timepiece The Help by Kathryn Stockett is one of the most marvelous novels capturing the zeitgeist of the 1960’s written in recent times: being published February 10, 2009. This novel not only described the situation between African-American maids and their employers, but encapsulated the thoughts and sentiments of the people that characterized the decade of the 60’s. These thoughts were depicted well because the author, Kathryn Stockett, grew up in Jackson, Mississippi;Read MoreSociological Accounts on Individuals Acquiring Their Identities591 Words   |  3 Pagesdefinition refers to the sense that some one has or who they are, of what is most important about them. Important sources of identities are likely to include nationality, ethnicity, sexuality (homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual), gender and class. (Collins Haralambos and Holborn, Sociology Themes and Perspectives, chapter 12, p 885) The main sociological accounts on this issue are: Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, Marxism, Feminism and Giddens concept of structurationRead MoreSocial Reaction Theory And Feminist Theory Of Crimes1476 Words   |  6 Pages Social Reaction Theory and Feminist Theory of Crimes are the subject theories I am going to review, examine, and explain. I will be discussing the evolution of social reaction and labeling theory, which is mainly concerned with how individuals’ personal identities are highly influenced by the way that society has a tendency to classify them as offenders. I will also be reviewing the various forms of feminist theories, which began as reactions to the lack of reasonable theorizing about why femalesRead MoreThe Idea Of Feminism Grew Through A Variety Of Movements,1310 Words   |  6 Pages The idea of feminism grew through a variety of movements, theories and philosophies. Feminism motivates the experiences of women through social, political and academic situations. Through social movements, feminism focuses on the documentation of gender inequality and changes in the social representation of women. Some argue that genders are social constructs and research the construction of sexuality and develop alternative models for studying social relations. In regards to politics, the feministRead MoreThe Women s Movement And The Development Of Feminism Essay1702 Words   |  7 Pagesspark of the women’s movement and the development of feminism in the twentieth century. According to feminist writer, bell hooks, in â€Å"Introduction: Come Closer to Feminism,† hooks identifies that feminism is for everyone because ‘feminism is a movement to end sexism’ (hooks 10). In other words, implying that it is not men that are the problem but the behavior and ideals sexism itself because women and men are both capable of being sexist. Feminism is not just about women getting equal rights as menRead More Symbolism in Desirees Baby by Kate Chopin Essay944 Words   |  4 PagesSymbolism in Desirees Baby by Kate Chopin Desirees Baby is Kate Chopins most well-known short story and most anthologized piece of work. The story takes place in southern Louisiana and her writing reflects her Creole-French descent. Chopin begins the story with a descriptive quote, when she reached LAbri she shuddered at the first sight of it, as she always did. It was a sad looking place...Big solemn oaks grew close to it and their thick leaved, far-reaching branches shadowed it like

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